We the People are the True World Order
Our challenge to Generation Z from Generation X

At Heidi Duty, we are always seeking to improve free resources for community and family members of Veterans.  With that in mind, here is a free A-Z online apprenticeship for anyone interested in eliminating Veteran suicide.  We are for free markets, and free markets would not exist without family and community support.  It is to that end that we offer this free apprenticeship for anyone seeking an entry into healthcare or a rewarding vocation working with family and community members.


You are encouraged to seek resources in your own state or province to make sure you are in accordance with established laws.  You are also encouraged to work for less money than what a traditional in home care agency would charge families, since this is the only way to reform the market.  The demand for in home care services far outstrips the supply for available workers, and this is why we need you to get started today to shift our entire culture toward health.

We are not Attorneys, and cannot give legal advice.  We are not licensed Physicians and cannot give medical advice.  We are people who care about people, and the basis of healthcare is caring about your own health and the health of others.  We rely heavily on Bastyr University and their natural health approach.  We also rely on the Veterans Administration, and intend with our charitable efforts to slash through red tape and move American healthcare forward.  We intend also never to shy from the fact that resolving conflict with violence is a horrible health problem, for which we must all find immediate solutions.  Subjecting people to go around the world to kill one another is unhealthy.  Objective trust in people to resolve their conflict by reason will go a long way toward eliminating demand for bloodshed.

While not often thought of as a health issue, nor understood as well as visible wounds from which a person suffers, suicide affects everyone in a very negative way.

Much of our experience here at Heidi Duty is told in stories more than statistics, because Veteran Caregivers spend more time in the field than in a statistics laboratory.  We need people in the statistics laboratory, and they need us to help them.

The Heidi Duty way is an “All-In” approach, meaning that everyone, which means absolutely everyone, is necessary, valued, and vital to this urgent American health issue.

Before telling a story, let’s visit some statistics:

Veteran suicide affects men more as the mode, which means statistically there are more men who commit suicide than women.

Veteran suicide is increasing amongst women, which means statistically the number of women who are dying of these invisible wounds is on the rise.

Veteran suicide claims more Black Veterans than combat deaths, which must claim our attention immediately.

Veteran suicide is more prevalent in rural areas, which must claim our attention immediately.

Veteran suicide is more prevalent amongst Elder Heroes, which must claim our attention immediately.

70% of Veterans die from their invisible wounds from a firearm they own, which must claim our attention immediately.

More U.S. Veterans Have Committed Suicide In The Last Decade Than Died In The Vietnam War

What we have learned in our years of serving Veterans is that the perception of safety is more important than actual safety.  For instance, a Veteran who has lost sight in one or both eyes may perceive herself safer with several loaded guns on her person.  However, intent is a more dangerous weapon than anything else.  If someone intends to harm this Hero, they can do so with their mockery, cruelty, abuse, and neglect.  These can infect her invisible wounds to become as lethal as the gunshot she delivers to her own head.

Social isolation is proving to be more harmful than smoking cigarettes as one AARP study shows:

AARP Study on Social Isolation

While we are not encouraging anyone to order a pack of Camels, we are encouraging everyone to use trust as the first line of defense against social isolation.  Offering another human being trust is the riskiest investment we will ever make, but it most often has the highest reward.  Sometimes it can truly get you hurt, or even get you killed.  However, we will focus on the how trust between people bears healthy fruit:

1.  Imagine a world where people could count on others to return their lost or stolen property without fan fare.

2. Imagine a world where we could hug or kiss on the cheek in friendly fashion without fear of Covid-19.

3. Imagine a world where we were nourished by one another’s compliments, instead of poisoned by their crude bullying comments.

4. Imagine a world where free trade in monetary markets was complemented by a barter system between trusting neighbors.  For example,
one person stays home and cares for a family and saves money.  The other person leaves the home to earn money.  Communities knit
together as those working in the resource economy barter goods and services instead of relying on currency.  One neighbor might
be able to offer in home care services in exchange for a bushel of garden fresh green beans.  One neighbor might be able to offer
another an excess of sanitation supplies in exchange for help organizing their garage.  The resource economy is the foundation of the
monetary economy, and enables those working in financial markets to live a less stressful life.

5.  Imagine that this world is possible, and needs you today.  If you cannot imagine this world to be possible, then simply imagine it to be not
impossible.  Then you can build this world in your neck of the woods here and now.

Here are the ABCs of Zeroing Out Veteran Suicide:

A is for Apathy, which is defined here: Definition of Apathy Notice when a person has changed their tone and their normal course of behavior.  For example, Tyrone normally greets you with enthusiasm and enjoys a pleasant chat when you see him at the store.  Today he seems forlorn and withdrawn, with few words.  This is a sign that he may be in a state of apathy, which is the state before death.  You will need to determine how best to help him quickly before his invisible wounds claim his life.

is for Breath.  Even underneath a mask and at a safe social distance to prevent Covid-19, you can smell the presence of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, or the acrid odor of smoked methamphetamine on a person.  Does Tyrone have any of these odors?  Does he smell sweet?  The sweet, fruity smell could be a sign of diabetic ketoacidosis.  This is where you need to set boundaries and work with other people within those boundaries to help save Tyrone’s life.

C is for Community.  Involve your parents, your friends, your family, business owners, medical professionals, your local VA
and anyone who can offer virtual support for your Hero Tyrone. Caring is the best cure for apathy, and the fact that you care about Tyrone means that he has a chance to survive his invisible wounds.  He cared enough to volunteer for Military service, and now we must care about him and focus on his health.  He does not need to hear “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” or “man up”.  He needs to be shown that someone cares enough to offer him resources to help him find his center and reclaim his health.  He will be able to stand on his own two feet when he is truly grounded in loving care.

D is for Direct Questions.  Never ask Tyrone a direct question like, “Did you ever kill anyone?” or “Where did you serve in combat?” or “Where have you traveled?”  Even asking him, “Where are you from?” may make him uncomfortable, as though he is “other” and unwelcome with you here and now.  It may also be difficult to answer easily, since he may have lived all over the map.  He may have made vows that keep him from speaking about time and place, since Veterans place a higher value on preventing global community endangerment of our Military than most civilians.  Heroes have a great need to be here now, and often it is their most difficult battle to remain in present time and space.  So if you meet Tyrone in WalMart in Indiana, let him be there in WalMart in Indiana.  Do not remind him that he was born in Mississippi, raised in Germany, and transferred to California before moving to Indiana after three tours in Iraq.

“Please let me share my lunch with you” will be better received than “Are you hungry?”, because Tyrone has pride and owns his situation.  You are not there to take over his jurisdiction and patronize him.  You are there to provide the care and create the comfort.  You must gain his trust and maintain his trust for this benefit to be mutual.

While many civilians have an innocent curiosity with such questions, they can truly alienate someone and send them to places in their mind they do not want to go.  You don’t know what vows they have made, nor what might upset them.  They don’t live in our civilian world.  They still live by Military code.  We need more than ever to marry up with their values.

PsychArmor teaches in this free online course that the only direct question you should ask a Veteran suffering from invisible wounds is,

“Are you planning to kill yourself?”  Check out their free course here: https://psycharmor.org/courses/15-things-caregivers-want-know/

It is perfectly appropriate to ask this direct question if you see the signs of death from invisible wounds.

E is for Empathy.  To have empathy for someone, we need to read their body language, actively listen to them, and work with community resources to get them help.  Social isolation has proven to be more deadly than tobacco smoke as previously mentioned.  Just having someone to trust and confide in is a first step toward eliminating suicidal ideation.  The greatest strength is gentleness, and to connect with others on a deep and healthy level involves the force of empathy.

F is for Fibonacci Numbers.  Numbers don’t lie: they Fib.  Fibonacci numbers, that is.  Please read this Wikipedia definition of Fibonacci numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number Organizing a home according to Fibonacci numbers is of vital importance.

People with amputations, blindness or low vision, deafness or hearing loss, Traumatic Brain Injuries, PTSD, or other invisible wounds cannot see the world in the same way someone with full sensory health can.  They read their environment in the sequence of patterns according to their perception of safety.  Home spaces arranged in a Fibonacci Sequence are very pleasing and healthy.  Here are some images of how life grows in a Fibonacci sequence:

For instance, a Veteran who is blind in her left eye may have many loaded weapons nearest to or on her bed, but her glasses further away from her reach than her guns.  She has lost sight in this left eye during combat, and her perception is affected.

What this should show you is that her mind is reading the sequence of objects closest to her person as those most vital to her security.  We do not judge her, since we take an objective view of how her mind works.  Yet having her loaded gun closer to her person than her eye wear is actually quite dangerous.  She does not yet perceive that, and does not need anyone preaching at her.  What she does need is an organization system that matches her perception of safety to the reality of safety.  Judge the situation; never judge the individual person.

Left alone in a dwelling that lacks organization, she will continue to perceive her guns as her only source of security.  Her invisible wounds compounded with low vision and social isolation could lead to suicide, and this is where organizing home spaces in Fibonacci sequences works without fail.  Here is an image of a home space organized in a Fibonacci sequence:

Notice how this room is organized so people can face one another and engage in friendly conversation.  Notice how the patterns of colors, shapes, and natural light form a Fibonacci sequence that pleases the senses.

Lacking vision in her left eye, she will compensate with other senses.  It is important always to know if our Hero is right or left hand dominant.  No one is truly ambidextrous.  When a person actually picks up a pen or pencil, a person will write better with one hand or another.  Notice which hand this dominant and organize their home accordingly.  In this case, Tara is right hand dominant, so we will organize her bedside toward her right hand with respect to her left eye’s vision loss.  Her right eye overcompensates for vision loss in the left eye, and we must consider that as we engineer her living space.

We will field strip her bedside table, which means we will remove everything in the bedside table, sort things with her permission, give it a good cleaning with some elbow grease, approved cleaners, and good humor.  Tara may find things she has missed for a while, and it will cheer her up to have things sequenced in a way that her mind best engages a healthier perception of personal security.  Her bedside table should have a pleasing pattern organized best for her perception.  Imagine a LED flashlight closer to her than her loaded gun.  This is actually safer.  The first thing you want to do to an intruder is blind them with the beam from a strong LED flashlight, then move to other security measures.  Tara knows this as a Veteran who has survived a lot, and the fact that you know this will make her feel safer and actually help her to be safer.

Imagine then her eye wear closer on a clean organized surface.  She can be encouraged to keep the gun on her person while sleeping (unimaginable to civilians but quite normal for Military personnel) or arrange it in the sequence spiraled past her LED flashlight and eye wear.  Remind her gently that without being able to achieve a 3 second draw on her loaded weapon, then it is a liability and not an asset.  She may choose of her own accord to unload and safely store all but one if not all of her firearms.

Organizing her environment and personal space where she sleeps so she perceives total security will create the care and provide the comfort Tara needs.

Organizing things according to colors, shapes, dominant side, which side has the injury, can all be solved by organizing in Fibonacci sequences after field stripping the living space as she has field stripped her guns before, during, and after active Military service.  We are using the term field stripping in this context to describe our unique and thorough method of making her home super cozy.

Here is a Wikipedia definition of field stripping:


We are not there to invade her privacy, or to “keep a clean home clean” like many in home care agencies that charge over $100 per hour.  We are there to gain our Hero’s trust so that we can engineer their home toward a better perception of security.  We are there to provide care and create comfort.  We are not there to charge what the market can bear, nor to maximize our profits while staying within the rules of the game.  There are no rules to this game; there are principles.  They are the same principles by which Veterans have put their lives at risk.    To live a life of principle, a person may have to break the rules a bit.  We are not encouraging you to break the law, but if the stated rule for your life by your authority figures is that you are supposed to become an Attorney, a CEO, but you want to be a Caregiver in Chief, then break that rule and live by your principles to achieve your goal.

The Heidi Duty method requires time and commitment to quality.  The rewards follow with respect to putting our Heroes first with our actions, not with idle emotions and talk.  Field stripping the home can be like going shopping, since it reconnects our Heroes with resources they may have missed.  Clutter cannot exist in a home that is continuously field stripped.

G is for Gun Safety.  This may be an oxymoron to some people, who don’t believe there is anything safe about guns.  We are not here to argue with them or anyone.  We know that Veterans have a different relationship with guns than civilians, and in many cases, they are for recreation or sentimental value as much as home defense.  What we must know as family and community Caregivers is how to identify safe vs. unsafe practices.

Here are our YouTube videos on safe unloading and storage of firearms:

Heidi Duty YouTube Channel

H is for Hidden Heroes.  Ours is a simple job, but simple does not mean easy.  If you catch yourself reacting to your Hero’s mood swings, getting defensive with people, or becoming generally irascible, then please withdraw and take care of yourself.  This is an unpaid apprenticeship, and you are free to arrange payment with your Hero or through the VA.  However, you are not free to run yourself into the ground.  The hardest thing for Caregivers to do is care for themselves, and swallow their pride and admit they need help, a day off, or even to tactfully disengage with a Hero who may have become too abusive to bear.  You are a Hidden Hero, and you may be eligible for assistance from the Elizabeth Dole Foundation’s Hidden Heroes Program:

Hidden Heroes from the Elizabeth Dole Foundation

I is for Insurance.  If you or your Hero are uninsured, make sure you seek local, state, and federal resources:

Affordable Care Act Health Exchange

My Health VA Site for Veterans

Helping your Hero get online access to their VA benefits will be a tremendous help.

J is for Jam Up & Jelly Tight – This expression describes how most Veterans appreciate their homes.  When you see them smile as they drink a cup of hot cocoa after you helped them get groceries and do laundry, you have provided the care and created the comfort.  You have made them & their home feel Jam Up & Jelly Tight, which is a beautiful thing.  Pat yourself on the back.

K is for Kindness.  Be kind to yourself and others.  Be kind to your Hero.  Take a deep breath, do some stretches, and remember that you can’t be kind to others if you are not kind to yourself.  Prioritize self-care, pack healthy snacks and lunches for yourself, exercise, sleep well, take a siesta, read, listen to music, and do anything that helps you show kindness to yourself and others.

L is for Laughter.  Laughter is the best medicine, and also the worst poison.  Know when you are laughing at someone and when you are laughing with them.  If your Hero just fell transferring to the toilet, and is not laughing, then you should not be laughing.  You are not laughing with them if they are not laughing.    This laughter is the worst poison.

You may also notice your Hero laughs when viewing fatal shootings are depicted in fictional drama.  Do not judge.  Your Hero’s laughter is a nervous response to real life trauma.  It may be that people who have witnessed violence in their homes, neighborhoods, schools, and in combat situations use laughter as a coping mechanism.  Just remain objective and remember it’s not our job to judge, but to offer compassionate care.

Just flow with your Hero in the situation and laughter will come naturally.

As Tempestt Bledsoe once said, “Real life is already funny.  You don’t have to do it up.”

M is for Mobile Resources.  Here are a few:

Make the Connection from the VA – Learn more and share this resource with your Hero:

Make the Connection – VA

Download the Enhanced VA Video Connect App Available for Apple Devices:

Connected Care from the VA Mobile App

VA App Store

VA Video Connect in the App Store

N is for Narcotics.  Your Hero may use cannabis, which is legal in some American states.  However, it is illegal on a Federal level.  It could prevent you from gaining entry into other healthcare professions, it could harm your health, and it is important to avoid clients who insist on smoking cannabis in front of you.

While some behaviors are labeled “adult”, what they really are is unhealthy.  We are not prudes, but we know the difference between a party and a bad habit.  We are not disputing a medical benefit from the limited use of cannabis, we are speaking from a wealth of experience that if you work with Veterans who use any narcotics, you are putting your own health at risk.

It’s hip to be square, and a square is made of straight, narrow lines.  Narcotics users are on a broad, winding path toward death and you must love them from a safe social distance.

Decriminalization of narcotics may be better than legalizing them, but legalism is not our cup of tea here at Heidi Duty.  Health is our cup of tea.  We know that cannabis has two critical factors that are a major health risk:

1.   All smoke has carbon monoxide, a fatal neurotoxin – Carbon Monoxide from Marijuana Smoke
2.   Cannabis exacerbates paranoia – Web MD Article on Cannabis and Paranoia

Marijuana’s health benefits are over emphasized now that it is a for profit industry legal in some states.  Under stated are the health benefits of proper nutrition, exercise, meditation, social activities, sleep, rest, and relaxation, since these are generally advocated by unpaid family and community Caregivers.

We urge lawmakers to consider their inconsistent stance on tobacco vs. cannabis smoke.  If the former is subject to the  Master Settlement Agreement, then so should the latter.  Then every legal mass market in the United States of America should be reviewed for its impact on global health and boycotted in favor of local markets that provide fresh food, community services, locally made goods, and neighborhood trust.

O is for Opioids. One of the most heroic things Surgeon General Jerome Adams of the CDC has done is to educate people on preventing death from opioids:

Opioid Overdose Prevention

One reason we are headquartered within the jurisdiction of Washington State is because our law provides for simple access to life saving measures from opioid addiction:

Washington State Department of Health Statewide Standing Order to Dispense Naloxone

We do not believe rights can be decoupled from responsibilities.  No one has a right to use opioids illegally, but we all have a responsibility to set one another on a correct path toward a culture of life.  It is never okay to participate in a culture of death.  No one should be condemned to death, nor the natural flow of life interrupted.  This is the Heidi Duty way.

P is for Program for Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers from the Veterans Administration.  Learn more about this valuable resource here: Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC)

Please make use of this wonderful tool and bookmark it as it expands.

Q is for Quit.  How many times have you quit a job in your life?  Do you prefer to sweep floors in your local barbershop than to complete reams of online paperwork to get a job that tells you how much you are valued but shows you how little you are worth?  Does the word “career” sound as overused as “success” and “ambition”?  Then find your vocation and make your life of value to yourself and others.  Always leave a job better than you found it and never bad mouth an employer.

Then there is a good chance that being an individual provider of healthcare services is your bailiwick.  Business is good and necessary, but it exists on quantitative measures.  Contrary to everything you have been taught, time is not money.  Money is money.  Time is time.  Here is the Law of Identity in action.  Business must measure to manage in quantitative terms, that is to say counting numbers.  How much profit is made in what span of time?  This is what business measures in America.

It seems America has all but forgotten qualitative measures.  Caregivers measure to manage too, but mostly in qualitative terms.  What things affect a good mood?  What activities engage and stimulate our Hero’s brains?  These are things we measure in qualitative terms, as in what provides us all the best quality of life.  Failure to regard quality of life as the most important measure leads to societal behaviors such as eating while driving, being rude and impatient, gun violence, obesity, and the list goes on.

If you have a paid job history that reads like a Johnny Cash song, then chances are you have quit because it is harmful to your health to work in these environments.  That’s okay.  Choosing your individual life over the institution does not mean you are “not a Team player”.  It means Corps is a more important term for you than Team.  What does Team mean in America anyway?  Teams have owners as in NFL.  Team players get sidelined, injured, and cut.  Teams fight against each other, and members are “traded up” or “secede”.  In health, the definition of a cell seceding from the body is cancer.  Right Team against Left Team simply does not work in health.  Both are controlled by the central nervous system by the body.

Corps, the French word for body, in this sense means that you must have complete control over your work situation or you go offline.  This is where you must stop punishing yourself by trying to fit your unique individual genius into a rote institution that does not reflect your values.  You mustn’t be angry at said institution, but it is your vocation to mold your own micro-economy according to your values.  You value health as the greatest wealth.  You should and you will enjoy nice things, but you are willing to delay gratification for greater monetary reward to live a life of value.

You appreciate a quality of life more than a quantity of things.  You prefer to attend a museum opening than to be in a crowd at a stadium.  You prefer an intimate gathering of family, friends, and neighbors than to be put in the spotlight on a stage.  You prefer to cook a little extra in case your neighbor drops by when Covid-19 is cured than to eat fast food.  You prefer Crock Pots to microwaves.  You are just as important as a Rocket Scientist.  You are a Crock Pot Scientist.  You are a King, Queen, and/or everything in between.

A quitter never wins and a winner never quits is such a stale aphorism.  There is no start or stop to our vocation as individual providers of home health care to eliminate Veteran suicide.  A wage worker works from rising to the setting of the sun, but our work is truly never done.  That’s why we love what we do.  We work constantly without being workaholics.  Welcome to the Corps.  You are far above and beyond a team player.  Without your work, the Team would not have the fuel to operate.

R is for Romance.  Never stop being in love with your own ideas, and never stop being willing to update them.  Have confidence in your ideas, and know that confidence is not arrogance.  You are not making an idol of your ideas, but you are nourishing your own original craft by being in love with your own unique genius.  Don’t pay attention to whomever has called you stupid or crazy.  Don’t pay attention to academic accolades or IQ tests.  Every living being has their own genius and romance your own.

“All roads lead to Rome” does not mean that the one-way street in your trailer park or downtown area where you live dead ends in Rome, Italy.

A better understanding of this expression is that “Rome” is the English version of “Roma”, which is “Amor” spelled backwards.  Amor means love in the Italian tongue.  No matter how hard for people to understand, love trumps war.  All is fair in love and war, but all roads lead to love.  All roads lead to Rome.  You will have a better journey through life if you begin each day with love for yourself.  Prioritize self-care, love yourself, and your neighbor as yourself.  Here is a version of success you can’t put a dollar value on.  Romance yourself.  Go on.  It’s a beautiful affair.

S is for Self-Care You are your own best Dr.  Never let anyone tell you to do something for your health that does not feel right to you.  For instance, if someone insists you go on the Paleo diet, but being a vegan feels more natural to you, then obey your own gut instinct.  What is your blood type?  Pay attention to what foods may be best for your blood type.  How many calories does someone of your sex and frame normally burn?  Then eat within that range, but don’t make it too complicated.  Whether you are man, woman, or non-binary, you know yourself.  Some days makeup is appropriate, other days it is not appropriate.  Know yourself, your style, and what makes you feel comfortable.  You can always be well groomed on any budget if you are gentle and resourceful.

Take time for yourself morning, noon, and night.  Prioritize self-care and you will ace caring for others.

T is for Transportation. Generation Z values experience more than possessions.  This is such a beautiful thing.  Like many elders, you may prefer the economic, spiritual, and social advantages of walking, riding your bicycle, using public transportation, Uber, Lyft, and rental electric scooters like Lime to the costly purchase of a car.

Cars have their place, but it may be better to work within your community and join the global community in using your two feet to transport yourself.  We may have fewer pedestrian accidents when America values health as wealth and does not run over pedestrians.  Transport yourself in style and don’t let anyone patronize you as though you are poor for not owning a car.  The greater poverty is missing out on the beauty of a neighborhood by failing to walk, bike, and trek through your town.  Delay gratification on a vehicle purchase if possible in your area.  Rural Caregivers may not have that option, but you get the idea.  Running, walking, skating, and biking are healthy forms of transportation.

U is for Uniform Code of Military Justice.  Uniform Code of Military Justice

The rule of law for active duty Troops is the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  Know it, read it, understand it, and recognize that people who volunteer for American Military service are not “free” to eat Twinkies in boot camp, spit on the ground, back talk their Officer in Charge, or deviate from their Corps.  Sometimes they must make the judgment call to break the rules to obey the highest principle, which is to save lives at the risk of their own.

Terms like “it’s whatever” or “I don’t feel like adulting” have little to do with people who have lived under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  The level of discipline it takes to live under this rule of law is something you as their family and community Caregiver need to understand.

V is for Veterans Administration. Established in 1865, the VA may not be perfect, but we cannot move it forward until we have more people participating in its many programs.

Learn more at Veterans Administration

There is a lot of debate over health care in America, but we need a little less talk and a lot more action.  Veterans have a greater chance of living a longer, healthier life if enrolled in the VA.  However, they often cannot go it alone.  This is where you are vital to the VA.

You, the individual provider of home health care services to America’s Veterans in your families and communities are our best partner in moving this government health care service forward.

There are three main divisions to the VA:

Veterans Health Administration

Veterans Benefits Administration

Veterans National Cemetery Administration

Our role in assisting the VA at a local level is to make the health and benefits more accessible for all Veterans to keep them out of the cemetery before their natural time.  20 Veterans claim their own lives due to invisible wounds, and a majority of these deaths occur with their own firearms.  This is where we need you.  You are vital to the VA and moving it forward for the health of nations.

Check out this resource to understand more about the VA:

Wikipedia Article on Veterans Administration

W is for Women.  While a majority of family and community Caregivers are women, men, children, elders, and non-binary neighbors unite in this noble effort.  We must all work together to move our entire economy forward.  We must move from ceremony to sacrament in the words of Dr. Joseph Lowery

We cannot keep censoring ourselves and others in an effort to pretend like we are just like men.  We are not.  We are equal to men in value, but we are opposite to men in form and function.  This is not an authoritarian gender norm, but a libertarian abolition of mass warfare.  We wish no battle between the sexes, but an end to constant war for constant peace.  Men and women may not be friends.  We may be much closer than that.  We may be natural enemies.  Our evolution depends on our loving our enemies around the world and finding a better way to resolve conflict.  We will stand for this truth as long as we live, but we will never stand for any system that feeds our sons and daughters into an endless war machine.

Until the world truly listens to our concerns and acts upon them immediately, we will remain absent from the American economy as wage workers.  Women in every nation must be united in our global community to stop tolerating constant war for constant peace.  Any nation that cannot resolve conflict quickly and without blood shed lacks respect for those who birthed those who have borne the battle.  Feminine values must be prioritized, lest the health of nations remain elusive.

X is for X-Ray.  X-Ray is for X -the 24th letter of the Military Phonetic Alphabet: Military Phonetic Alphabet

The more you know about Military culture, the more you will have X-Ray Vision to see ways to eliminate Veteran suicide.

Y is for Yankee.  Yankee is for Y -the 25th letter of the Military Phonetic Alphabet: Military Phonetic Alphabet

The more you know how every nation on Earth considers Americans Yankees, and not always in an affectionate way, the more you will be able to help America live within the guidelines of global standards.  This is key to our enemies loving us as we love them with meaningful actions.  We may not be friends in the sense of always liking every little thing about one another, but we must love one another as neighbors.  You can un-friend someone on social media, but we cannot un-neighbor one another on our shared Planet Earth.  It’s as simple as that.

While people vote with their feet to come to America, there is much in our culture to be desired.  What is normal in America, i.e. our haste, waste, and rudeness, should be an embarrassment to us all and is an offense to many nations.

Instead of being perceived as Ugly Americans, or Yankee Imperialists, we all want to live together as Beautiful People.

Z is for Zulu.  Zulu is for Z -the 26th letter of the Military Phonetic Alphabet: Military Phonetic Alphabet

The more you know about Military culture, the more you will learn how the folkways of Zulu people can assist us all to eliminate Veteran suicide.

All 54 African states will positively influence American culture if we will stop and take the time to learn what works in their folkways.  While it may seem authoritarian that Zulu gender roles are so strictly defined, it may be also that Zulu people know how to live off their land, and work with available resources.  Learn more here: Wikipedia Article on Zulu People

We cannot move forward if we keep talking about going back.  This is where learning and connecting with world cultures will help us all.

Thank you for studying this free apprenticeship to eliminate Veteran suicide.  Congratulations on your decision to create the care and provide the comfort for America’s Heroes.  We love you.

#VetSafe #TeamUSA #globalstandards #supercozy